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Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate
The Palace of Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate
Noble Title
Kutai Palace
Sultan Crown
Arm of Coat
Royal Heritage





Erau Festival | The Palace of Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate The word Kraton/Keraton (Palace) which is derived from the word "keratuan" which means a palace or a residential complex of a King; it also called kedaton which is derived from the word "kedatuan".

From the long history of Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom since the 13th century with the 3 times of capital changes, of course the palace also changed many times.

Unfortunately, there are no historic documents about the look of the palace buildings of in the past either in Old Kutai, the first capital of Kutai Kartanegara or in Pemarangan, the capital of the second kingdom.

The documentation of the shape of Sultan Kutai palace existed in the government of Sultan A.M. Sulaiman which was located in Tenggarong, after the European explorers carried out the expedition to the inner part of Mahakam in 1879 had made it to draw the illustration of the Sultan A.M. Sulaiman palace. The Palace of the Kutai at that time was constructed using ulin wood in a very simple construction.

After Sultan Sulaiman died in 1899, Kutai Kertanegara Kingdom was then ruled by Sultan A.M. Alimuddin (1899-1910). Sultan Alimuddin resided in a new palace located not far from the former palace of Sultan Sulaiman.

The palace of Sultan Alimuddin consisted of two floor and also constructed using ulin wood. This place was constructed facing Mahakam river. Until Sultan A.M. Parikesit held the throne in 1920, the palace was still used in running the government of the kingdom.

In 1936, the wooden palace of Sultan Alimuddin heritage was demolished in order to be replaced by new stronger concrete construction. Temporarily, Sultan Parikesit and his royal familiy resided in the old palace of Sultan Sulaiman.

The construction of this new palace was conducted by HBM (Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij) Batavia with its engineer, Estourgie. It took a year to finish the construction of the palace.

After the construction of physical building finished in 1937, one year later in 1938 Sultan Parikesit and family officially resided in this new palace.

The official announcement of this glorious palace was held merrily with the fireworks party at night. Meanwhile, by the establishment of the new palace, the old palace of Sultan Sulaiman was then demolished. Nowadays, the area of the old palace was replaced by a new building, Serapo LPKK building.

After the government of Kesultanan Kutai ended in 1960, the palace complex of 2.270 m2 was still used as the residence of Sultan A.M. Parikesit until 1971. The Kutai Palace was then submitted to the Government of East Borneo Province in November 25th, 1971.

In February 18th, 1976, the Government of East Borneo submitted the Kutai Kartanegara Palace to the Education and Culture Department to be managed as the museum named Mulawarman Museum. There are many collection displayed in this museum of Kutai Kartanegara heritage, among them is the throne, statue, a set of gamelan, collection of ancient ceramic from China, and many more.

In the complex of Sultan Kutai palace, there are tombs of kings and the royal families of Kutai Kartanegara. Jirat or tombstones of Sultan and the royal family are mostly made of iron wood which is durable and were inscribed by Arabic letters. Among sultans who were buried in this complex are Sultan Muslihuddin, Sultan Salehuddin, Sultan Sulaiman and Sultan Parikesit.

Sultan Alumuddin was the only one who was not burried in this complex, and he was buried in his land in Gunung Gandek, Tenggarong.

In September 22nd, 2001, the crown prince of H. Aji Pangeran Praboe Anum Surya Adiningrat was coroneted as Sultan Kutai Kartanegara entitled Sultan H.A.M. Salehuddin II.

The restoration of Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom is an effort to conserve the cultural heritage of Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom as the oldest Kingdom in Indonesia so that it would not be extinct in the future.

The government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency has built a new palace called Kedaton for the present Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara. The architectural concept of new Kedaton which is located beside Hassanuddin Mosque refers to the Kutai palace of Sultan Alimuddin.




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